ASSIGNMENT: Following a rewrite of the client’s resume, she requested a corresponding cover letter.

CHALLENGE: It was important for Annie to showcase not only her skills that were relevant to the job she was applying for, but also to include the fact that she is a neurodivergent creative. The challenge was to make that clear and to present it as an advantage.

MY STRATEGY: As of 2024, more companies are prioritizing their neurodiversity efforts to improve inclusivity, expand opportunities, and provide support. Neurodiverse employees and a neuro-inclusive workforce can offer businesses essential skills and strengths. I highlighted these strengths she could provide, while also intentionally listing relevent experience that was pulled directly from the job posting. Key words used will assist her cover letter in advancing past the Applicant Tracking System. As a bonus, I provided tips for applying to jobs that I was able to share from my years in corporate America. Overall, the client was ecstatic with the result and will be able to easily tailor this cover letter to any other jobs she applies for.
