Green Gardens Neighborhood
Newspaper Advertisement
Spec Piece
ASSIGNMENT: A new neighborhood, Green Gardens, wanted to create an ad to promote lots for purchase in their eco friendly-concepted community. They wanted to appeal to couples ages 30-45 with children that were interested in building a new home, but with a reduced environmental impact in mind, and at a similar cost, compared with traditional builds.
CHALLENGE: Appeal to their target audience emphasizing that while it is an intentionally sustainable development, it is very much family-friendly and affordable.
MY STRATEGY: I crafted this piece to focus on the family-friendliness, and collaborated with the graphic designer to include photos of families so that it catches the attention of the target audience. The reader gets the sentiment that this is a community where they would experience “belonging” since other neighbors would be interested in being in this type of environment, too. Included, of course, were the environmental benefits of building in a neighborhood like this (because they are valuable details to the reader), but overall, this ad would appeal more to the reader from a “feeling” perspective… that they would enjoy living in a community with these values.